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Right-Wingers Say WHO Infiltrated by Muslims


::artpretitle::After Bacon Cancer Threat::/artpretitle::
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::artlead::A warning by the World Health Organization (WHO) that processed meats, such as bacon and sausages, cause cancer has been rejected by anti-Islam haters, who claimed that the international body has been infiltrated by Muslims who do not eat pork.::/artlead::
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CAIRO – A warning by the World Health Organization (WHO) that processed meats, such as bacon and sausages, cause cancer has been rejected by anti-Islam haters, who claimed that the international body has been infiltrated by Muslims who do not eat pork.

"World Health Organization claim [sic] that Bacon and Sausage cause cancer! Must be supporting Islam by claiming this," a user whose name was blurred by the Independent wrote on Twitter.

"@WHO says bacon causes cancer. Arm of the UN run by Islam supporters. Aim is to end world pork production. Don't be misled," another tweeted.

These comments followed the publication of a WHO report last October 26, in which the international body warned that processed meats, such as bacon, sausages and ham, do cause cancer.

Its report said 50g of processed meat a day - less than two slices of bacon - increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.

Meanwhile, it said red meats were "probably carcinogenic" but there was limited evidence.

Islam considers pigs unclean because they are omnivorous, not discerning between meat or vegetation in their natural dietary habits unlike cows and sheep for instance, which eat only plants.

Muslims do not eat pork and consider pigs and their meat filthy and unhealthy to eat.

Seeing the WHO report as appealing to Muslims, who do not eat pork, anti-Islam haters posted their hate comments on social media.

"Banning pork with lies to advance Islam! Bacon, burgers and sausages are a cancer risk, say world health chiefs," a post on Twitter read.

"This just has to be a "Radical Muslim Conspiracy." They hate bacon and pork!!" another tweeted.

The latest anti-Muslim conspiracy is by no means the first.

From President Obama’s secret life as a Muslim, to Fox News’ revelation that there are no-go zones for non-Muslims in Birmingham, the theories are as weird as they are popular.

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::artsource::OnIslam & Newspapers::/artsource::
::artreference:: ::/artreference::
::artlink1:: Danish School Forces Muslim to Taste Pork ::/artlink1::
::artlink2:: No Pork, No Work: Muslim Woman Told ::/artlink2::
::artlink3::French “Halal Test” Detects Pork, Alcohol::/artlink3::
::artlink4::Saudi Tests Cadbury for Pork DNA::/artlink4::
::artlink5::Halal Pork Shocks Swiss Muslims::/artlink5::

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